History of Padenghe sul Garda, Brescia
Traces of the presence of a settlement in Padenghe sul Garda go up to the prehistoric age; nevertheless, the original village has been abandoned at the turn of the 10th century A.D., when the hungarians pushed the population towards the hills, where the castle was built. From 1154, when it was cited into a document written by Frederick Redbeard, Padenghe has been a ghibelline stronghold contended by Brescia and Verona. Once it was foiled an attempted demolition of the castlein 1509, Padenghe was exposed to the sack by german soldiers coming from Verona.
After that, Padenghe gave the birth to famous personalities, as the painter Andrea Giovanni Bertanza and the Zuliani brothers, one a jurisconsult and the other a doctor of fame.
During the Risorgimento, Tito Speri's volunteers imprisoned in Padenghe, the 28th march 1848, the Austrian general Schonhals who was fleeing from the rioting Brescia.
Between 1928 and 1947, both the towns of Moniga and Soiano were part of Padenghe, but after the second World War they were given autonomy.